Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Alternate Edits, Richardson

Nasou, Alternate Edits




Vivian Maier; Maddox

Self portrait from my balcony sliding door.

Nice Gloomy sky from my balcony at 7am

House on the street from my apartment that stand out the most

My Cat trying to give me her paw and I took the photo.

Attempting to get my cat into my hallway to take pictures

Self portrait of me through my sunglasses.

Viv Inspire, Jacobsen

H-Mart chairs in food court stacked up during CoronaVirus Pandemic.

Zach balances his way across an outflow dam while hiking around one of the many fire ponds in the Frederick Watershed.

Kate catches up on some reading while sitting on the couch in front of a arm fire.

Trees and clouds reflect on the surface of a pond in the Frederick Watershed.

A view of the Rock Garden Meadow in the Frederick Watershed.
3am to 8am seems pretty specific for a no parking sign.

Selfie reflection in hallway mirror.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Lloyd, Vivian Maiers

Due to COVID-19, Cedar Lane, the local soccer field has been closed. 
Senior, Nigel Strickland goes to retrieve the ball out of the lacrosse net while getting some exercise during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Senior, Nigel Strickland completes online classes at Hood College during there semester at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Samantha Lloyd self portrait, washing off the Corona. 

Ruby Tuesday. the beloved cat of Samantha Lloyd, plays in the shower. 

Spring blooms peak through the basketball net at Cedar Lane, in Columbia, Maryland. 

Vivian Maier - Crockett

Reflection from a red wine glass
Photo of a house being built in a new development
Angled view from a table
Photo of a family dinning room
Photo of a plant and picture frame with a shadow from a nearby lamp
Vivian Maire styled "Selfie"

Vivian Maier Inspired: Richardson