Overall/Scene Picture (2)
On Saturday February 8, 2020, the BSU (Black Student Union) organizations held the "DC Lounge" to bring the Hood College Campus Students and friends of the students. During the event there was food and drinks. Also, plenty of different genres of music to let loose too. The event was held in the Whitaker commuter lounge.
Story Telling/ What's Happening? (3)
On Saturday February 8, 2020 evening, Hood College student Bryce Moore. Mr. Moore is a Senior majoring in Criminal Law and plans to be graduating in the fall of 2020. He is seen at many Hood College events as the DJ and loves to create the right beat to every mood.
Hood College Student Bryce Moore, is above the Whitaker commuter lounge to have an overall view of the students below dancing. This gives him the ability to see what kind of beat he needs to have to keep the crowd moving. Also, he always has both his hands ready to move for each song.
During the DC Lounge, Hood College students and friends of the students come together on Saturday February 8, 2020 evening to enjoy each others company. As I was taking pictures and watching all the individuals enjoy their time, I saw so many people smiling and laughing. Most college students do not take the time to themselves and to see so many students of all years enjoying their time was wonderful to see.
Detail Photo (2)
While taking the overall pictures above the railing where Bryce Moore was stationed at. I saw his computer and all the information he had to keep track of and it amazed me that he knew what everything meant and did. Also, while he has to keep track of his computer, he also has to keep his hands moving at the correct beat of the music.
The key board Mr. Moore had was large and the colors that would come on when the music hit a certain beat. Also, when he hit a certain button, the key would stay lit until the music changed. However, Bryce Moore was enjoying the event keeping each individual moving and for him that meant he was doing what he was their todo.
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