Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Portraits - Elizabeth

Portraits of: Jeffrey Early
By Elizabeth Cavin
(I love comments!)

 Jeff sitting in the firetruck, ready to go. 
He's constantly getting calls that pull him away from his personal life to go save someone else's. 

 Jeff working on his truck, "Whiskey." 
She's a 50+ year old Ford truck, and he loves her greatly. He says he'd hate to own a new car, mainly because he couldn't work on it as much. 

 Jeff sitting in the firehouse, waiting for a call. 
He loves being a volunteer firefighter, and often will sit at the firehouse when he knows they're low staff for the day, or when he knows a local storm is coming (meaning accidents will happen = calls).  He got an award in 2017 for most reliable responder (and is the youngest to ever receive it). 

He loves being on a schedule that's unpredictable (even with late night fire calls), though sometimes he wishes he could get more sleep. Since seconds count in an emergency situation, he's always timing and pushing himself to be better. 
On top of that, he has a country soul. To every call he's wearing his cowboy boots, and he loves to work with his hands. Even though he's never actually gone hunting, he's already carved a deer himself, and is eager to shoot his own one day.


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