Wednesday, January 29, 2020

First Event, Monday

Hood College SAS Executive Board Members (Left to right): Kate Sanborn-Senior-Major Business Administration with a concentration in marketing, Mandy Smith-Junior-Major Social Work and sociology, Samy Brandt-Senior-Major Biology and Minor in Business administration, Debbie Mejia-Junior-Major Social Work and Minor in Spanish, Alexis Orzech-Senior-Major Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and Minor in Economics, and Kiara Brown-Junior-Major Political Science and Minor in African American Studies have an interest meeting to allow interested students to get additional information on the SAS club on Sunday January 26, 2020.
While listening to the meeting the SAS (Sisters Aspiring to Success) mission is to a create a women's society concerned with the pursuits of academic excellence, leadership, and service.

During Hood College SAS interest meeting, Hood College students listen closely to the Hood College SAS Board Members on Sunday January 26,2020. The board members discuss to the interested group of students on what SAS's mission and goals are for the 2020 Spring Semester.

Hood College SAS Board Member Debbie Mejia-Junior-Major Social Work and Minor in Spanish discusses the change in how frequently the club meets and how each meeting will have a theme to allow for a creative and fun environment on Sunday January 26, 2020. Each Executive Board member agreed that the SAS club would meet once a month for more students to be able to attend throughout the year.

Hood College Executive Board Member Alexis Orzech spoke to the interested students on each of the executive board members roles. Ms.Orzech additionally spoke about future positions opening up because the current members holding those positions are seniors and will be graduating at the end of the 2020 Spring Semester.

First Event: Heil

On Saturday, January 25th @3, Hood College Blazers played against Albright College Lions. 

Senior, Michael Riley #5 shot at the three-point line. While Tyler Evans blocked DeLascio Dancy #2 from Albright College. 

 Senior, Kobe Bulter #2 shot a free-throw in the second quarter of the game. 

Sophomore, Keith Claiborne Jr. stole the ball from the other team. No one was able to stop him from running to the other side of the court. 

Kobe Bulter #2, Tyler Evans #22, and Mason Wang #10 are guarding the basket from the Albright team but in the end Hood College won 94-83. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Final Project Photo Story idea

First Event - Crockett

The entrance to the model railroad open house hosted on Sunday, Jan 26. The event featured a 1930s C&O Ohio Railroad Car with toy train exhibits both inside and outside the train cart.
Bob Burch setting up toy trains for the miniature railroad outside the large train cart. Burch is the owner of the train whom hosted an open-house for visitors Sunday, Jan 26.
The model train car features a one-way walk through tour throughout the 56 foot long train cart. The exhibit ran from 1-4 pm on Sunday, with many visitors stopping by throughout the day.
The model train car contains a tight fitting exhibit of running toy trains. The interior of the train cart keeps its aesthetic by its nearly century old form.
The exhibit was protected by a small glass pane, with labels asking to not "touch dem trains." The interior exhibit's length takes up most of the 56 foot long train cart.
The model train cart became tight fitting with many visitors watching over the exhibit. Kids and adults of all ages appeared to be enjoying the event.

First event Enright

On Saturday January 25th, over 10,000 people got ready to jump in the water at the annual Polar Bear Plunge at Sandy Point Beach in Annapolis, MD.

People waiting for the band 30H!3 post Polar Bear Plunge.

On Saturday January 25th, about 10,000 people plunged into the water to support Special Olympics.

An overview shot of all of the people who did the Polar Bear Plunge at Sandy Point Beach to support Special Olympics.

First Event/Richardson

 Corynne & Lauryn Lovewell, tournament participants, throwing a bag toward a corn hole board at the Annual Derek Teele Foundation corn hole tournament on Saturday, January 25th at the Pinehurst Pub. The Lovewell sisters were two of the 400+ people who attended the event in support of a deceased local family friend and their foundation to support charities.
 Over 30 teams participated in the Annual Derek Teele Foundation corn hole tournament on Saturday, January 25th at the Pinehurst Pub. All of the proceeds for merchandise, raffle tickets, and team admissions went towards supporting local charities and helping give back to the community. 
 Shannon Lovewell & Desiré Douglas, members of the Cornstars corn hole team preparing for game time at the Annual Derek Teele Foundation corn hole tournament on Saturday, January 25th at the Pinehurst Pub. The Cornstars were one of the 30+ teams who participated in the tournament in support of a deceased local family friend and their foundation to support charities.
 Drew Beard & Eric Lovewell, tournament participants, throwing a bag toward a corn hole board at the Annual Derek Teele Foundation corn hole tournament on Saturday, January 25th at the Pinehurst Pub. The two gentleman were two of the 400+ people who attended the event in support of a deceased local family friend and their foundation to support charities.
Bobby Teele, Danielle Teele, and Lisa Teele Derousie, Foundation founders and family of the deceased, announcing teams at Annual Derek Teele Foundation corn hole tournament on Saturday, January 25th at the Pinehurst Pub. The family were three of the 400+ people who attended the event in support of a deceased local family friend and their foundation to support charities.

First Event Taylor

On Saturday, January 25th, people crowd around the bar at Brewers Alley to drink and spend time together.

Friends enjoy fried mozzarella and vodka sodas at Brewers Alley on Saturday, January 25th.

The lights on Market Street shine into a window in Brewers Alley in Downtown Frederick.
A bartender mixes up a drink behind the bar at Brewers Alley on Saturday night, January 25th.

First Event; Maddox; 5 of my best from this weekend

Sarah Elizabeth, Senior, At Frederick skate on Friday, January 24th, 2020
Sarah loves skating, she almost went pro for GoPro but had a knee injury which prevented.

Carlin Bryne, Sophomore, In Meyran Hall on Saturday, January 25th, 2020. I was working on my exposure setting and Carlin eyes changes with his clothing so he wanted to see what color his eyes were.

 Carlin's Vans, Saturday, January 25th, 2020, Took a picture of Carline shoes because they were just brand new a couple weeks ago and now their very dirty.

Corey Simmons, Sophomore Albright College, Saturday, January 25th, 2020, Can see the disappointment  in his body language as his teams trails further behind before halftime

Kai Dalce, Financial Analyst, Sunday, January 26th, 2020,  On the way walking to the Waffle House, we decided to stop and take photos due to the nice background of the tree's.

First Event, Garvis

Ms. Faye, a long-time volunteer at the Frederick Rescue Mission, stocks shelves in the mission's food distribution center on Friday January 24th. Every Friday morning, volunteers at the mission unpack boxes of food donations and organize them on the shelves.
The Frederick Rescue Mission receives food donations from local businesses and from the Maryland Food Bank that they stock in the food distribution center and use to cook meals in their soup kitchen. The mission's kitchen and food distribution center are run almost entirely by volunteers.
Ms. Chong, the head volunteer in the Food Distribution Center, pulls a palette of food donations inside to be unloaded by other volunteers. Ms. Chong supervises other volunteers in the distribution center and directs the food stocking process.
The Mission's Food Distribution Center limits the number of items each patron can take from specific areas to make sure that everyone who comes in can get the food that they need. The mission serves many patrons with English as their second language so they often have signs written in other languages. 

Lloyd, First Event

Ray Sowers proudly displays his boat at the Progressive Baltimore Boat Show on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. Ray showed his boat all three days the boat show went on. 

Andrew LeMay enjoys a beer while browsing the Progressive Baltimore Boat Show on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. Both beer and wine were available to purchase during the show. 

Sales pitches could be heard throughout the Progressive Baltimore Boat Show on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. Over 50 boat brands were being showcased for three days. 

 Rob Paul and Charles Smith took a break to eat lunch at the Progressive Baltimore Boat Show on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. There were five different food vendors at the show. 
Chad Pearson gains attention with his crab hat during the Progressive Baltimore Boat Show on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. Pearson was showcasing Parker Tri State Marina boats. 

First Event, Jacobsen

Hood College students, staff and faculty form a human book brigade on Friday, January 24, 2020 in order to move books from the second floor of the college's library o the fourth floor. The group moved over 22,000 books in around five hours as the library gears up for a major renovation.

Hood College students, staff and faculty form a human book brigade on Friday, January 24, 2020 in order to move books from the second floor of the college's library o the fourth floor. The group moved over 22,000 books in around five hours as the library gears up for a major renovation.

Corey Shultz, studio arts coordinator,  stacks books on shelves of the Hood College library on Friday, January 24, 2020. Shultz was one of a number of volunteers who moved over 22 thousand books from the second floor to the forth floor of the library in preparation for a major renovation project.